This website has been developed in Public Data Research Center, Advanced Institutes of Convergence
Technology (AICT). This is a good example of utilization of public data (e.g., UN General Assembly
voting record) using data mining and visualization. In this work, we would like the general public
to gain insights from raw public data. Especially, our system wi.ll provide ones with the voting pattern
of UN members in different types of visualization techniques.
Manjai, Lee (AICT, Seoul National Univ)
Byung-Won, On (Dept of Statistics and Computer Science, Kunsan National Univ)
KyungWon, Lee (Dept of Digital Media, Ajou Univ)
Ginam, Kim (Dept of Digital Media, Ajou Univ)
Oh-hyun, Kwon (Dept of Digital Media, Ajou Univ)
Hanmin, Choi (Dept of Digital Media, Ajou Univ)
Hyoji, Ha (Dept of Digital Media, Ajou Univ)
Heesung, Jin (Dept of Computer Science, KAIST)
Jinwoo, Jeon (Open Major Dept, Ajou Univ)
Politiz UN is available in Google Chrome and IE10.
The UN voting data used in our system has been collected from Anton Strezhnev and Erik Voeten's website
(Please refer to